Mentoring & Clarity Consultations

Clare offers a range of opportunities for 1:1, couple and group mentoring. She works with people in two main situations:

* Individuals or couples who have mastered the wealth path and are longing for deeper connection to soul purpose. Clare offers intuitive mentoring, private retreats and channelling sessions to bring incredible clarity and alignment with your next highest vision, including in the way you use and invest your wealth for the highest good.

* Emerging Light Leaders and Visionaries who know that stepping into the next level of their leadership and vision requires an expansion in their wealth consciousness. Clare offers 1:1 and group mentoring to help you reveal, and align with, your vision-sized wealth consciousness.

1:1 & Couples Mentoring

Clare offers 3, 6 or 12 month bespoke Visionary Wealth mentoring packages. These are high-frequency, high-end containers of deep transformation. Ideal for those who want private, tailored guidance.  

Enquire here

Group Mentoring & Retreats

Clare offers retreats and group mentoring. Ideal for those who wish to journey into expansive vision and wealth consciousness with the benefits of group energy, and a more affordable investment. 

Enquire here

Clarity Consultations

Clare's channelling and intuitive gifts are world-class. She is selectively available for high-level channelling consultations to bring crystal-clear, Divinely guided clarity to a crucial next-level decision, or visionary crossroads.

Enquire here

"Visionary Wealth is a state of consciousness."

Clare Roche

"Visionary Wealth is a way of being."

Clare Roche

"Visionary Wealth is a radiant field."

Clare Roche

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